A huge THANK YOU to everyone who took the time to check out our website.
The response has been more than expected...1745 Page Views since February 18th.
Here are our most popular page views:
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The Encounter Series
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H. Clay with GMB, Emily Steele with Steele Roots, Rachel Hernandez, Erskine Leonard...without their FANTASTIC Graphic Artist Designs none of this would have been possible.
To everyone following me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter...your support for Twisted, the first book in The Encounter Series is
much appreciated. From both Book Reviews and
to the majority of you taking the time to talk to me
face-to-face about our project, we want you to
know that... "We Hear You."
The Encounter Series' Twisted is here!
So... "Prepare Yourselves...For An Experience Like No Other."