I want to thank everyone that responded to our September email giveaway contests for the Replica Cover Cards for NO MERCY and book three, THE TEFLON MAN, and the giveaway from our Online Store. It was the first time we did an email contest and judging from the response, it went exceptionally well. We had a couple of winners who did not claim their prize in a timely manner. So, we will revisit those giveaways in October.
We will complete the mail out of the remaining Replica Cards this weekend. If you replied via email and have not received your Replica cards in the mail, please contact us at: info@carlpublishing.com
Exciting News!!!!
I know you've been waiting, patiently for the release date for NO MERCY. Good News...that date is here!
Here are the important dates:
-- October 1st - Launch New and Improved Website
-- October 5th - Pre-Orders begin!!!!
-- October 15th - Official Release of NO MERCY
NOTE: There will be an eBook that will follow after we publish NO MERCY. When I have a release date for the eBook, I’ll let you know.
On a different note, we are working on Book Three! I have the title already selected. It will be called..."The Teflon Man." This action-packed book will be an exclusive look inside the world of the main character - Tyrone Street. And speaking of Street, those of you who bought and read, Book One, TWISTED will know that he plays an integral role in that book.
Get ready for unputdownable action, mystery, and suspense when Tyrone Street returns in Book Two, NO MERCY along with new and more challenging characters!
I’m not going to give anything away, but you’re gonna love NO MERCY! And for those of you who haven’t read TWISTED, don’t let the awesome cover fool you. The story telling will astound you to the point where you won't want to put either book down.
Visit my FB pages for more info on NO MERCY and the release date. Here are the links:
Official Cap25 Author Page - https://www.facebook.com/CarlAlanPublishing
The Encounter Series Page - https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?d=100063698550750
Take care, stay safe and let's get ready for NO MERCY!